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grands Palets ou disques 52mm pour jeu de palets loisirs créatifs billard hollandais

50mm raw wood pucks or disks

€13.95 Tax included
5 1
Whole Wood,
5/ 5

These wooden pucks are typical of the Netherlands. They are used for Dutch billiards. It's a game of shuffleboard with dots.

These wooden pucks are turned and measure 5.2 cm in diameter. This is a large disc format.

These wooden counters or discs can also be used for creative hobbies. The wood is rough and slightly hollowed.

Wooden puck dimensions: 50 mm diameter

Number of wooden pucks: 30 pieces

En stock


Shuffleboard rules:

The aim of the game is to score the most points by sliding the wooden pucks into the lanes that yield the most points.

Players take it in turns to throw the 20 wooden pucks, collecting up to 2 pucks that don't go in.

Points are awarded to those numbered in the lanes X the number of wooden pucks retracted.

A puck that leaves the board can be replayed. A puck that enters from underneath is not valid.

Players count their points and the winner is the one with the most.

5 Items

Data sheet

Type of wood
Solid wood
Wood color
Wood finishing
52 mm
Game type
Skill game
Delivery fees
7.49 euros