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ISO4 bamboo interdental brushes

€3.95 Tax included
5 1
Whole Wood,
5/ 5

Interdental brushes are essential for good oral hygiene. Made from bamboo and nylon, ISO4 brushes should be part of a daily routine to improve the quality of brushing. Conventional toothbrushes only reach 60% of the tooth surface. The other 40% is hidden between the teeth and difficult to reach with a large brush. With interdental brushes, you can effectively reach these areas and keep them clean.

These toothbrushes are made from FSC-certified bamboo. Bamboo is moisture-resistant. The bristles are made of BPA-free nylon. Each box contains 6 ISO4 interdental brushes.

Bamboo interdental brush bristle specifications: ISO 4 - brush size 3.0-4.0 mm and wire size 0.70 mm

Bamboovement interdental brushes box dimensions: approx. 4 × 8 × 2 cm

En stock

4 Items

Data sheet

Wood specie
Type of wood
Solid wood
Wood finishing
FSC label
Delivery fees
7.49 euros
Other material