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Boîte à secrets couvercle à vis bois érable massif dents bijoux cheveux

Secret box with screw lid in maple

€2.95 Tax included
5 1
Whole Wood,
5/ 5

For parents, this box of secrets will become a keepsake for items such as the first child's hair, the youngest child's tooth or the ashes of a loved one. For children, it's a treasure box for a piece of jewelry, a favourite marble, the tooth fairy's money, a precious stone found at the bottom of the garden, and so on.

As you can see, this little box with a screw-top lid has a multitude of uses. The cubic wooden box is made of maple. The inside diameter (for storage) is 21 mm.

Dimensions of maple wood secret box: 3.00 × 3.00 × 4.90 cm

En stock

3 Items

Data sheet

Wood specie
Type of wood
Solid wood
Wood finishing
Item type
Storage accessories
Delivery fees
7.49 euros